Worship team Covenant
Please read the following information and click submit when finished.
1 ~ Put block-out dates into PCO (Planning Center Online) for when I’m unable to lead working toward 6 months-1 year out so we can schedule you out. (if your dates are not blocked out on PCO we will assume you are available every Sunday)
2 ~ Turn on my notifications for the rest Church app > group > Worship Team; when I am scheduled to serve.
3 ~ Check the Worship team group app for information on practice times
4 ~ Accept or Decline my scheduled position on Planning Center Online weekly when I am scheduled
5 ~ Check PCO/Chart Builder to see the updated set-list
6 ~ Learn & practice the songs on the set list before Sunday band practice
7 ~ Let the worship leader know if I am having trouble with the key of a song I am leading prior to Sunday’s practice
8 ~ Let the worship leader know if I am having trouble with a harmony in the songs we’re singing
9 ~ Let the worship leader know if I am having technical trouble with anything that aids me in leading worship
1 ~ Have my instrument ready to go at the scheduled time of band practice
2 ~ Show up prepared with chord charts if I need them. This is my personal responsibility.
1 ~ Have my mic ready to go at the scheduled time of band practice (I will change my batteries if needed)
2 ~ Show up knowing the words to all the songs on the set list, not just the ones I am leading
1 ~ Be at practice, ready to go on time
2 ~ Bring my headphones to practice
3 ~ Have my in-ear monitors ready to be adjusted at the scheduled time of band practice
4 ~ Let the worship leader know if I will be late to practice and understand being late or absent may result in me not leading a song or playing on Sunday
5 ~ Roll up my in-ear monitor cable and hang on my P-16 after practice is over
6 ~ Keep my area clean of trash
1 ~ Have my instrument/mic/in-ear monitors and self, ready to go at the scheduled time of band practice
2 ~ Set myself up and then offer to help the worship leader or tech team on anything else that needs to be set up
3 ~ Pay attention by making notes during run through on instructions regarding transitions, closing the door, dynamics, and etc.,
4 ~ Have went to bed early enough on Saturday that I don’t just roll out of bed and into Church Sunday
5 ~ Come awake because I have been preparing my own heart to lead that morning by reading the scriptures and praying
6 ~ Get water, coffee, or whatever I need before practice begins
7 ~ Sit myself out if my heart isn’t in the right place to lead that morning
8 ~ Understand that this is a run-through for service and not general practice like Thursday
9 ~ Not rely on the TV screen lyrics to lead me, I will lead them. If they crash, it’s not a big deal because I know my stuff
10 ~ Let the worship leader know if I will be late to practice and understand being late may result in me not leading a song or playing
11 ~ Make sure my area is clean of (batteries, papers, cups, cables rolled nicely, etc.,)
12 ~ Be at the team meeting at 10a in the counseling room
13 ~ Be back in the sanctuary no later than 10:20a for the start of Pre-Roll *10:20*
14 ~ Enter the stage through the back and not up front
15 ~ If things didn’t go well or as expected before service I won’t sweat it, instead I will pray or read some scripture and set my focus back to Jesus. (refer back to our Leadership Motto)
1 ~ Set the mood for the congregation by my words, actions and stage presence
2 ~ Follow the cues given by the worship leader or service producer on where to go in our songs (build, fade out, repeating something)
3 ~ Roll up my in-ear monitor cable and hang on my P-16 before the sermon
4 ~ Be enthusiastic and engaged (during the pre-roll) because Jesus is alive!
5 ~ Work to keep the congregation involved with worship
6 ~ Not be a distraction, but will be a compass to Jesus
1 ~ Spend at least 10 minutes talking with people before I pack up, and roll out
2 ~ Ask if there is any-way I can help the tech team or deacons shut down
3 ~ Make sure my area is clean of (batteries, papers, cups, cables rolled nicely, etc.,)
4 ~ Roll up my in-ear monitor cable and hang it back on my P-16
5 ~ Put my Mic back in its designated area in the sound booth
1 ~ Not get drunk
2 ~ Not abuse drugs
3 ~ Be faithful to my spouse
4 ~ Not humiliate, ridicule, gossip, threaten or degrade anyone on the team (in person, online, via text/phone or social)
5 ~ Follow the direction God the Holy Spirit is directing the worship leader
6 ~ Be a fan publicly, and a critic privately
7 ~ Praise loudly and blame softly
8 ~ Not be a diva, because this isn’t about me
9 ~ If information is lacking or if there is confusion, I will always assume the best in others instead of jumping to conclusions
10 ~ Honor Jesus with how I leverage my social media & authority
11 ~ Be punctual and prepared for band practice and Sunday morning’s according to the info above
12 ~ Attend Church even when I am not leading. If I will be absent for service I will communicate that to the worship leader via text before service
13 ~ If at any time I feel confused, discouraged, or unhappy with the way things may be going, I will speak with Alissa, or John about it openly and honestly because they have my back
14 ~ Hold myself accountable
15 ~ Be responsible for the quality of worship when I lead
1 ~ Strive for a lifestyle that resembles one who has been forgiven & saved by God’s grace
2 ~ Work really hard to make sure Jesus is the hero and not me
3 ~ Work toward praying daily for my family, my Pastors, my team, my Church and the lost
4 ~ Work toward reading the scriptures daily
5 ~ Let God the Holy Spirit direct my worship and leadership
6 ~ Be committed to growing in discipleship with the worship team