Welcome to rest
rest is a non-denominational Church plant in Paducah, KY. We exist to restore Jesus in the HOME, as the CHURCH, and with the CITY. Jesus is our Senior Pastor.
The MAIN THING, is to keep the MAIN THING, the MAIN THING... and that's JESUS!
// PRAISE PARTY 12.29 //
rest Church invites you to our final service of 2024!
Our theme this Sunday is ‘1st Love’—a prompt to rekindle the passion and devotion we have for the God who first loved us. What better way to end one year and start a new one than to get your family in Church, gathered together as the Church for corporate worship, lifting our voices and our lives together to the One who loved us first! 🙌🎶
Join us this Sunday Dec.29th for our Praise Party ~ All Song Service @10:30a CST | Bring the whole crew for family style worship 🥳
(no rKids Sunday)
And just think, after all ~ Worship is practice for eternity. #therestisyettocome

/ / BUCKET #4 {Rom. 9-11} / / The Plan of God ~ Them & Us / / God’s Election, Sovereignty & Human Responsibility, & Covenant Faithfulness
TAKE A SNEAK PEEK of our campus BELOW 👀

Jesus is our Senior Pastor

Johann leclaire
Assimiliation + Discipleship Pastor/Elder

Adam Bretz
Executive + Preaching

Cody Walls
Vision + Preaching

John Wisdom
Missions + Worship Pastor/Elder