mission + VISION
*picture of husband baptizing wife
vision statement
We will restore Jesus in the HOME through rest groups and personal discipleship with an emphasis targeting men to become the men God has created them to be. We love our ladies and kids at rest, and believe one of the best ways we can serve them is to help older men, younger men, and every man learn to follow Jesus and lead their families well.
We will restore Jesus as the CHURCH through intentional worship experiences, events and Church planting. Intentional worship includes effective expository communication from the pulpit, passionate worship and response time for our people to respond to both the Gospel and Jesus’ work in their lives. Events are opportunities to do life together outside of practical Bible teaching on Sunday’s. The goal of every event (from Spiritual Gifts class to Trunk or Treat) is to [1] help someone take a “Next Step,” in their journey of faith, or [2] Target an audience of people that haven’t yet connected to rest Church and provide them with an “on ramp”. Church planting means that rest isn’t an end in itself. We desire to be a Church that plants Churches, that plants Churches, that plants Churches; both by sending out and supporting missionaries.
We will restore Jesus with the CITY through local + global partnerships. With local partnerships we don’t try to re-invent the wheel but instead partner alongside of various non-profits and existing ministries by participating with and serving them physically and monetarily. Additionally, local partnerships include other Churches – – we understand rest Church may not be for everyone and that’s okay. We want to help plug everyone into a local Church (even if it’s not rest), so you can follow Jesus. Global partnerships currently include the Wycliffe Bible Translators which serves to translate the Bible into known language around the world.
*In the Home, as the Church, and with the CITY is part of our discipleship process for you to move from simply knowing Jesus to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus – a disciple that makes disciples, that makes disciples, that makes disciples.
10 truths we operate from us a Church
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we believe,
what we believe
Our 10 benchmarks aren’t our 10 commandments. These 10 simply serve as signposts or a culture guide for rest Church. To become a family partner at rest, we ask that you be in agreement with our 10 benchmarks.
*learn more about Family Partners in our bylaws below